Tuesday, September 14, 2010


There is a difference between DESIRE and FEAR. 

Desire is the wish or expression to do something good or obtaining something about our future. its related with the positive things in life. its not directly related with the future. But it sheds light on the things that a person wants to make it possible.

Fear is the a distressed emotion. A fear is caused due to unknown dangers that the mind thinks about and spins it in the mind so that we believe things will happen worse to us. its a feeling of something bad going to happen to us. Its always related with the negative things. a fear can also be linked to the future even though it happens in the present. Mostly all the fears are about the future.

a desire and fear can act as two different emotions in a human being. desire stays the same. sometimes the desires of our lives just multiply and we put on new things with it. just to make our lives beautiful in the time to come.

making oneself gripped with fear happens due to lot of external circumstances. either things that would be happening around us or the things happening to our loved ones. one of the examples is, people thinking whether their loves wont be there with them in some important occasions or time of their life. the fear mainly comes automatically due to certain factors that rule our lives concerning our daily life. We see them going through some difficulty and the fear comes in our minds.

this doesn't mean that it will happen. it also doesn't mean that our fears have to come true.. Just imagine if all our fears come true, then we would always keep on fearing because its mostly self inflammatory. only a few of them are induced by others. Those are considered to be external factors. But its mostly the interplay of our mind.

fear doesn't necessary should have a direct relationship with desires or aim in our lives. it can subside with the actual things happening in our life or it can be subsided by giving confidence to the mind that the fears are useless. e.g. standing at the edge of a high rise building doesn't make u see death. its the fear that happens in the mind which makes us think about the possible death that can happen by falling from there. if we remove it, we would stand firm. many people kill fear inside them by telling their minds that it wont happen.

Many people do tasks which are not possible if the fear was there in their minds. The ultimate desire of doing something leads them to shed all their fears and do the thing which they aim for. It makes them more willing to just focus on the desire or aim and go forward with it. It makes them successful in their lives. Sometimes it makes them Heroes. Heroes and heroines in real life.

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